Fluxes and radiation output variables

Standard name CORDEX name Description

rnet (W/m2) 

rnet_ave (W/m2)


Net radiation at surface

Average net radiation at surface

eg (W/m2)

eg_ave (W/m2)

evspsbl (kg/m2/s) 

hlfs (W/m2)

Latent heat flux

Average latent heat flux

fg (W/m2)

fg_ave (W/m2)


hfss (W/m2)

Sensible heat flux

Average sensible heat flux

dew_avg (W/m2)   Average dew flux
ga_ave (W/m2)    Average flux into surface 
soc_ave (W/m2)    Clear sky SW out at TOA
sot_ave (W/m2)  rsut (W/m2)   SW out at TOA
fbeam_ave (none)    Fraction of direct radiation

epan (W/m2)

epan_ave (W/m2) 


Potential pan evaporation

Average potential pan evaporation

taux (N/m2) tauu (N/m2)  Zonal wind stress
tauy (N/m2)  tauv (N/m2)  Meridional wind stress
ustar (m/s)    Friction velocity
rgc_ave (W/m2)    Clear sky LW at ground
epot_ave (W/m2) evspsblpot (kg/m2/s)  Potential evaporation
rgdn_ave (W/m2)    LW downwelling at ground
cos_zen (none)    Cosine of zenith angle (TAPM only)
rgn_ave (W/m2)    LW net at ground
rtc_ave (W/m2)    Clear sky LW at TOA
rtu_ave (W/m2)  rlut (W/m2)   LW at TOA
sgc_ave (W/m2)    Clear sky SW at ground
sgn_ave (W/m2)    SW net at ground 
sgdn_ave (W/m2)  rsds (W/m2)   SW downwelling at ground
sint_ave (W/m2)  rsdt (W/m2) SW in at TOA