Instructions for installing CCAM

The basic instructions for installing CCAM are listed below.  Please contact for further information.

Source code

The CCAM source code can be downloaded from the repository:

with subdirectories corresponding to the different programs.  To run CCAM the following programs should be installed:

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

git clone

CCAM requires MPI, NetCDF and a fortran compiler (e.g., Gfortran, Intel, Cray, etc).  Each CCAM executable can be compiled with the command

make (for intel compiler)

make GFORTRAN=yes (for gfortran compiler)

make CRAY=yes (for Cray compiler)

make NVFORTRAN=yes (for NVIDIA compiler)

make GPU=yes GPUCHEMISTRY=yes (includes code for accelerators such as OpenACC)

make TEST=yes (includes debugging code, can be used with other compiler options)

Compile options can be combined, such as

 make GFORTRAN=yes TEST=yes

Scripts and data files

To run CCAM, users are required to download and from:

git clone

The following scripts can be used to download the required datafiles:  These are data files required by CCAM at runtime.    These files are for creating new orography datasets for different CCAM domains.    These are analyses for downscaling.  Users must obtain permission to use ERA-Interim reanalyses before downloading from this link.

These files can also be found at:

Running an example simulation

Once the software is installed and compiled, the executables can be copied to:


The user can tend run the example script that downscales ERA-Interim reanalyses for 1 year.  See run_ccam – CCAM simulation scripts for further details.


The output from the simulation should appear at:

ccaminstall/scripts/run_ccam/daily    (For pressure level data)

ccaminstall/scripts/run_ccam/daily_h    (For height level data)

CCAM will also store its raw cubic output for subsequent downscaling at:


Finally, restart files to restart a stalled simulation can be obtained from:
