Upgrade notes for r3544 (openDAP)

With r3544 of CCAM, changes were made to facilitate the use of openDAP by the CCAM pre-processing software.  Specifically the software affected by this change are:



ocnbath  (only required for in-line ocean)

ccam (globpea)

Other pre-processing software was already compatible, with the exceptions of sibveg (less widely used) and g2n (the openDAP relies on NetCDF, whereas g2n processes GRIB files).

Since the above software is backwards compatible with the non-NetCDF intput files, we recommend the following upgrade procedure

1) Update software terread, igbpveg, ocnbath and ccam (globpea).  These upgraded programmes will continue to function correctly with the original, non-NetCDF input files.

2) Download the new netCDF versions of the following files for the vegin directory from the link below.  The new files can be made available through openDAP.







*.flt.nc  (only required for in-line ocean)

*.bli.nc  (only required for in-line ocean)

Note that fort.88 is no longer required after terread has been upgraded.

3) Download new netCDF version of the following files for the ccamdata directory from the link below.  The new files can be made available through openDAP.





modis_phenology_csiro.nc (only required for CASA-CNP carbon cycle)

Note that co2_data.* files are not required for NWP applications

3) Modify the following namelists to specify the path to the openDAP link to the NetCDF files specified in step 2.  In some cases only the path is required (indicated by <<PATH>>).  In other cases the filename also must be specified as indicated in the examples below.


filepath10km = “<<PATH>>”

filepath1km = “<<PATH>>”

filepath=250m = “<<PATH>>”



veginput = “<<PATH>>/gigbp2_0ll.img.nc”

soilinput = “<<PATH>>/usda4.img.nc”

laiinput = “<<PATH>>”

albvisinput = “<<PATH>>/salbvis223.img.nc”

albnirinput = “<<PATH>>/salbnir223.img.nc”



bathdatafile = “<<PATH>>/etopo1_ice_c.flt.nc”  (only required for in-line ocean)



cnsdir = “<<PATH>>”

eigenv = “<<PATH>>/eigenv.35.nc”

o3file = “<<PATH>>/pp.Ozone_CMIP5_ACC_SPARC_2000-2009_historic_T3M_O3.nc”

oxidantfile = “<<PATH>>/oxidants.nc”  (only required for prognostic aerosols)

phenfile = “<<PATH>>/modis_phenology_csiro.nc”   (only required for CASA-CNP carbon cycle)


 It is possible to omit the “.nc” from the filenames (e.g., veginput) and the software should automatically append the “.nc” to the filename.  Hence, for existing namelists, it is possible to simply add the path to the openDAP link.

4) Remove radfile from &datafile for NWP applications.  CCAM will default to a CO2 concentration of 330 ppm without radfile.


radfile (remove for NWP applications)


5) Modify the URL for other programs that may provide their data on openDAP.  For example

smclim – Specify the path to the sm??.nc file.

aeroemiss – Specify the path to the input aerosol emissions.

cdfvidar – Specify the path to the analysis file. 

6) Once the application is successfully using the netCDF files from openDAP, the original files can be removed (e.g., topo2, *.DEM, *.ter, etc).