Upgrade notes for r3388 (updated CABLE parameters)

After the upgrade to CABLE (SLI, POP, CASA), it was necessary to modify the vegetation parameters stored in the vegetation files (i.e., the output from igbpveg).  Hence the upgrade procedure becomes

1) Upgrade CCAM globpea r3388 or better.  We recommend upgrading to the current head revision (e.g., r3513)

2) Upgrade igbpveg to r3389 or better.  We recommend upgrading to the current head revision (e.g., r3513)

The updated version of CCAM globpea should then work correctly with the vegetation files created by the updated version of igbpveg.  Specifically, the global attribute for cableversion in the veg* files created by igbpveg should have changed from the old version 223 to the new version 3939.

cableversion = 3939.

CCAM will check this version number and if it is 3939., then CCAM should run correctly.