Change log


Include theta vertical levels in pcc2hist post-processing.

Update to UCLEM urban model to support two atmospheric levels when representing tall buildings (>20m)

Update to igbpveg to process urban LCZ maps

Refactored CCAM code repository.


Revised inline ocean model to improve turbulent mixing and advection.

Parameterisation for wind gusts.


Transition to GIT repository with changes for automatic version reporting in CCAM.

Additional metadata in GCM host files and CCAM output to support CMOR file format for CORDEX.

Inclusion of diagnostic CAPE and CIN calculation to allow comparison between CORDEX simulations.  Significant optimization to ensure CAPE and CIN do not noticeably slow down model performance.

Inclusion of double-moment cloud microphysics based on Lin et al.

Inclusion of COSP cloud simulator for model evaluation.

Support for 360 day calendar to support downscaling of HadGEM with NIWA.

Allow for new aerosol time-splitting where all aerosol calculations occur after turbulent mixing.


Update to ESF longwave radiation code to support HITRAN_2012

Allowed CCAM to support mesonest files starting at 3Z (supporting NorESM2-MM)

Enabled a third output stream for CCAM.  Normally the output is now Standard (usual 3D output), CORDEX (typically hourly output of CORDEX variables) and High-frequency (typically 10min output for selected variables).

Additional output variables to support CMIP6 CORDEX simulations.

Parallel processing of CORDEX output variables to ensure data processing can keep up with model simulation time.

Major update of ocean and sea-ice model to resolve various bugs.  Redesign of ‘coarse’ packing for sea-ice variables that improve speed and memory access.

Inclusion of node aware spectral nudging and file IO which reduced message passing bottlenecks by a factor of 6.  Significant improvement to spectral nudging speeds.

Removal of r_2 in CABLE with kind=8 to ensure output data and restart files are consistent with CABLE.


Update for CABLE to match ACCESS-CM2

Include OpenACC directives for GPUs. Speed-up for spectral nudging.

Fixed bug in ocean with incorrect staggering of ocean fluxes

Fixed bug with atmospheric boundary height in TKE-eps scheme during stable conditions

Updated CCAM radiative forcings for CMIP6 SSPs

Updated CCAM land-cover to include CMIP6 changing land-use

Optimized land-surface preprocessing with OMP (speed-up for preprocessing)

Optimized host GCM processing to streamline reading data (useful for processing ERA-5)

Fixed numerical instability in 200m non-hydrostatic simulations

Allow AMIPSST to read daily sea surface temperatures

Include zo_clearing option to improve near surface diagnostic output (e.g., tasmax, tasmin, etc)

Updated post-processing for CORDEX output

Included CORDEX output in surface files (useful for reducing disk usage)

Include prognostic sea-salt aerosols


Include z* coordinates for ocean model

Modify near surface diagnostic output for clearings

Improved DNI output from radiation


Include ensemble breeding code

Update for SLI, POP and POPLUC land-surface

Fixes for water conservation in CABLE

Updates for SCM for SUBLIME urban experiments

Store ocean data as 3D variables


Converted input files to NetCDF for openDAP.  See the following link for notes on the update of CCAM – Upgrade notes for r3544 (openDAP)

Separated dust emissions into 4 bins in output

Update CABLE to double precision.  Include POP for CABLE.  Bug fixes for SLI and CASA parameters.  See the following link for notes on the upgrade of CCAM –  Upgrade notes for r3388 (updated CABLE parameters)

Include update to aTEB urban model (includes interior model). Include anthropogenic flux from urban areas in output.  Include urban options in namelist.

Optional OpenMP for selected physics

Bug fixes for SCM

Allow CCAM to suspend processes so CCAM can run with any number of processes

Optimise multi-grid solver to perform global gather at fine level 

Bug fix for solar zenith calculation using the wrong bpyear epoch 

Bug fix and upgrade of high-frequency output

Include new convection options

Improved MLO dynamics.  Option for implicit momentum coupling with MLO ocean model

Modified onthefly to avoid gather/scatter when host grid is the same as the model grid, but the number of files differs from the number of processes

Patch for CABLE when converging on a saturated solution for the canopy

Include nud_period option for nudging with the scale-selective filter to allow nudging more frequently 

Bug fix for ncloud=0 where diagnosed cloud fraction was not set for levels 1 and the maximum level kl

Included iaero=3 option that includes evaporation and terms to account for wet deposition with prognostic rain.

Removed horizontal advection of rain, snow and graupel for ncloud=3

Included single column mode code in the CCAM repository


Included option to disable direct aerosol effects

Modified AMIP SST interface to only read required months for both ASCII and NetCDF input files

Bug fix for dust dry deposition that neglected the time-step, effectively removing dry deposition for dust

Update ustar friction velocity in the output to be consistent with revised 10m wind speed

Aerosol configuration options passed through to CCAM namelist

Bug fix to limit diagnosed sea-salt aerosol concentrations for excessive 10m wind speeds

Code optimisation for Xeon Phi for departure point calculation and radiation parameterisation

Bug fix to ensure error messages are generated when reading invalid namelist entries

Increased filename character length to 1024 characters

Update river routine to use FAM method.  Update to nriver -1 and 1 options.  Include river discharge calculation

Support for F90 NetCDF interface in makefile

Include coupled model links for CSIR

Include procformat option to save one output file per node

Revised version of k-e turbulence closure for vertical mixing

Removed shared memory from onthefly to avoid MPI bug with gather

Removed common blocks

Implemented implicit coupling between atmosphere and dynamical ocean.  Modified multi-grid solver to improve robustness of solution for ocean surface height and sea-ice pressure.  Revised salinity conservation method to correct currents

Bug fixes to ensure pointers are correctly passed through the CCAM interfaces

Improved precision for eigenvalue calculation to accommodate 108+ vertical levels

Improved non-hydrostatic parameterisation.  Changed default for epsh to 1. to improve robustness of non-hydrostatic code at resolutions below 1 km.  Revised method for Non-hydrostatic height adjustment in vertical mixing

Improved cloud microphysics 

Include options to select packages of output data to reduce size of output file (using the option can make the output file unusable for downscaling, so this option is for advanced use only)

Include banners for starting and completing CCAM

Use -c to specify CCAM namelist from the command line

Modified lake overflow for river routing

Improved energy closure with CABLE in the CCAM interface.  Higher order interpolation of LAI in CABLE.  Increased CABLE roughness length for bare soil.  Account for snow melting in CABLE energy closure with the CCAM interface

Removed kdate and ktime and standardised global attributes to specify the CCAM grid.  This ensures it is straightforward to manipulate the CCAM date and time.

Include option to remove unlimited in the CCAM output time dimension (unlimitedhist)

Included mbd_maxgrid to limit the scale selective filter for nudging global simulations

Modified makefile to support external configuration (i.e., global make)

Modifications to support the CCAM single column mode (SCM)

Urban parameterisation optimised to improve speed.  Bug fix when calculating long-wave radiation from urban surfaces