Cockburn Sound, Western Australia
Location: Cockburn Sound, WA (Whadjuk Noongar Country)
Impact: Industry
Focus: Sediment and dissolved carbon

The AquaWatch Cockburn Sound pilot project aims to monitor impacts on water quality of current activity and future port development in an embayment of high ecological and recreational value.
Sediment and dissolved carbon
Sediment and dissolved carbon can be stirred up by development activity in coastal areas and pose a problem as they can negatively impact the health of the ecosystem. Sedimentation reduces water clarity, affecting light penetration necessary for photosynthesis and hampering the growth and productivity of marine plant life.
Dissolved organic carbon from terrestrial sources, such as decaying plant matter and soil erosion, often makes its way into marine environments. This dissolved carbon can have various effects on ocean ecosystems, from providing nutrients to increasing ocean acidity.
Implications for water management
This project is focused on enabling state government to access AquaWatch visualisation tools to integrate Earth observation satellite data into their evolving monitoring activities and support decision-making for the relocation of Fremantle Port to Westport.