CSIRO is developing AquaWatch Australia as an integrated ground-to-space water quality monitoring system. AquaWatch is supported by Foundation Partner, SmartSat CRC.
Together with our implementation partners, we are in the process of designing and building the AquaWatch system of technologies to monitor water quality with real-time data and predictive analysis.
The system will use an extensive network of ground-based water sensors and Earth observation satellites to monitor the quality of inland and coastal waterways in Australia and around the world.
Data from both the ground-based water sensors and sensors on the satellites, will then be integrated at a central data hub where CSIRO’s capability in data analysis, predictive modelling and AI can provide water quality forecasts.

Growing capabilities with collaboration
Working with partners, both in Australia and internationally, across industry, academia and government, the AquaWatch team focuses on key capabilities with cutting-edge technology and advanced modelling that will drive impactful results, these include:
Water quality sensors: water-based sensors provide highly accurate water quality measurements used to validate satellite data. We aim to contribute additional sensors, networking expertise and data aggregation capabilities to establish dense national water quality sensor networks.
Earth observation: Data from Earth observation (EO) satellites provides environmental insights to support wider spatial scale monitoring. An end-to-end simulator is being developed to predict satellite performance for water monitoring and specifications for custom‑built water quality sensors. We are also working with partners to design novel satellite technologies that are customised for water quality, coral reef and aquatic ecosystem measurement.
Data system: The data is processed using the AquaWatch data system, hosted on our advanced cloud computing analytics platform, Earth Analytics Science and Innovation (EASI). This data system accesses large international databases from multiple satellites, which allow for better analysis of past and current water quality issues world‑wide. Within this system, a range of models can be applied including AI inversion modelling. A diverse range of data services (monitoring and forecast information) can be delivered to suit the application and end user requirements.
Water quality modelling: In the data system, water-based sensor and EO data is integrated with physical models to make predictions about water quality. The use of AI can help to scale up local forecasting models to regional and continental coverage.
Tech demonstrators
To move towards a fully operational system, AquaWatch relies on pilot sites to demonstrate and develop our technology and capabilities across a wide range of aquatic systems and water quality parameters.
National pilot sites: Locations around Australia have been selected to test the AquaWatch technologies in real-world applications for end users. These sites include both inland and coastal waters, chosen strategically and delivered with local partners.
International pilot sites: International pilot site locations have been selected in collaboration with partners around the world to test the AquaWatch concept in different ecosystems and duplicate the system for use by other countries.
We highly value all our collaborators and partners who provide support, different locations and expertise to demonstrate our system for global operations.