Tackling antimicrobial resistance
Find out more about the future of antimicrobial resistance and what we are doing to help.
Minimising AMR
Learn more about the implications of AMR and what we’re doing to minimise them, including goals and opportunities and how we’re translating them into reality with a One Health approach.
> Dive into CSIRO’s work to minimise AMR: Minimising Antimicrobial Resistance – CSIRO
HOTspots: Combatting AMR
Hear from the experts themselves, as health professionals and our researchers chat about how the HOTspots platform is improving AMR surveillance and health outcomes.
> See how HOTspots is shaping the future of AMR research: HOTspots: CSIRO’s hot new program combatting antimicrobial resistance
HOTspots bridging healthcare gaps in rural Australia
In Australia’s rural and remote regions, AMR poses a growing threat to equitable healthcare. The innovative HOTspots tool has revealed high levels of AMR in northern Australia, helping clinicians make smarter, region-specific treatment decisions. By addressing these geographic disparities, HOTspots is driving better health outcomes for some of the country’s most vulnerable communities.
> Discover how HOTspots is changing rural healthcare: Bridging healthcare gaps in rural Australia through AMR data – CSIRO
AMR making UTIs more deadly
Common infections like urinary tract infections (UTIs) are becoming more deadly, as AMR makes treatments less effective. A CSIRO study found that patients with drug-resistant UTIs are twice as likely to die compared to those with non-resistant infections. Learn how CSIRO is improving surveillance systems to curb this alarming trend.
> Find out more about UTIs and reducing AMR: CSIRO study finds antimicrobial resistance is making UTIs more deadly – CSIRO