Information for Clinicians
HOTspots is CSIRO’s disease surveillance and response program for tracking and responding to critical antimicrobial resistant (AMR) pathogens.
HOTspots receives primary care and public hospital patient data from over 200 clinics servicing Northern Australia. It offers an interactive digital platform that visualises synthesised data on evolving antimicrobial susceptibility using maps, plots and antibiograms. Data are used to inform treatment guidelines, PHN HealthPathways and national AMR surveillance efforts.
The program provides AMR susceptibility data for use at point-of-care by clinicians working in hospitals and primary care centres across Northern Australia.
HOTspots in clinical practice
To enhance clinical decision making the HOTspots team collaborates with stewardship program teams to address key information gaps and improve clarity of treatment options.
The HOTspots digital platform allows clinicians to access AMR data at the point-of-care.
For further information on the HOTspots program email Digital Solutions for AMR at: