Using HOTspots to inform decision-making

HOTspots provide region-specific insights to support clinical and policy decision making.

Given that AMR rates can vary significantly between regions – often higher in rural and remote areas – having localised, up-to-date relevant data are essential for supporting effective treatment and antimicrobial stewardship.

How HOTspots supports decision-making 

1. Guiding treatment at the point of care 

HOTspots provides tailored antibiograms and AMR insights, allowing general practitioners, stewardship teams, clinicians and Aboriginal health professionals to make informed empiric treatment decisions. This is particularly valuable in rural and remote areas, where limited diagnostic capabilities can result in delays of more than five days in receiving test results.

Clinical expertise, supported by evidence-based treatment guidelines and local AMR patterns are necessary to choose the most effective antibiotics and reduce the risk of treatment failure. This means patients are treated at the point of care and with improved health outcomes.

2. Informing resource allocation 

Healthcare providers in rural and remote areas often face inconsistent antibiotic supply chains due to logistical and geopolitical challenges. HOTspots data supports local health authorities and policymakers to identify priority areas for resource allocation, ensuring steady supply of the most effective antibiotics where they are needed most. 

3. Driving collaboration and education 

HOTspots supports education and capacity building in healthcare settings. In collaboration with the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) and the Northern Territory Primary Health Network, the HOTspots team and local stewardship experts conduct scenario-based training sessions to support local knowledge of AMR and digital tools. These sessions empower healthcare professionals by providing localised, data-driven insights to strengthen antimicrobial stewardship and aim to support clinicians in choosing ‘the right drug, for the right bug at the right time’

4. Informing Treatment guidelines and national AMR surveillance efforts

HOTspots data has helped shape treatment guidelines, ensuring that treatments are targeted, effective, and aligned with local resistance patterns. This evidence-based approach enhances patient outcomes and strengthens antimicrobial stewardship efforts.

Beyond clinical guidance, HOTspots supports research and development in Australian and global studies on disease patterns, AMR trends, population analytics, and system-wide approaches such as systems thinking. The program also contributes to national and global surveillance efforts, informing reports such as the Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) reports (2021 & 2023) and collaborating with key organizations, including the Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance (GRAM).

By providing high-quality, standardised data, HOTspots strengthens national and international efforts to combat AMR, support public health initiatives, and safeguard the long-term effectiveness of treatments.

Explore HOTspots Data

By leveraging HOTspots interactive map, antibiograms, and data visualisations features, healthcare professionals can stay informed about local resistance trends and make data-driven decisions that improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. 

To find out more about how to navigate the HOTspots resources, check out the User Guide.