meth_5.1 Amplicon Analysis

Contributor(s): Australian Microbiome Initiative Core Team

The latest release bioinformatic workflow for all amplicons (bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA; eukaryote 18S rRNA; and fungal ITS) can be accessed at the following link:

Documentation of workflows used for previous data releases are available at the above link as tagged versions. Version control of bioinformatic workflow tags follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (, with version numbering in the following format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Increments in numbers can be defined as:

  • MAJOR version: when changes are completely new and incompatible with prior versions
  • MINOR version: when new features or added functionalities are added, edited or deleted in a backward compatible manor, and
  • PATCH version: when backward compatible text or typographical corrections are made for clarity