meth_2.29 Environment Protection Agency Victoria Water Quality Monitoring Methods AM0001

Contributor: Environment Protection Agency Victoria


AM Project ID: AM0001

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Victoria water quality monitoring data for Port Phillip Bay sites is publicly available here:

EPA Port Phillip Bay Water Quality Data 1984 – 2022 – Dataset – Victorian Government Data Directory

This dataset consists of water quality data collected from EPA Victoria Marine Fixed Site Network within Port Phillip Bay. Contains water sample data on a range of nutrients and physical parameters, pertaining to water quality. Data collected monthly, where possible, at known fixed locations (sites) in surface waters.

For the Australian Coastal Microbial Observing Network (ACMON; AM0001) project, metadata parameters harvested include:

chlorophyll a, secchi disk depth, dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), salinity, water temperature, turbidity, pH, total suspended solids, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, NOX, orthophosphate, silica.

for sites:

site_id site_name_long site_name_short water_body latitude longitude
369 PORT PHILLIP BAY WERRIBEE SEG. EPA #369 Long Reef Port Phillip Bay -38.02932


1991 PORT PHILLIP BAY HOBSON  SEG. EPA #1991 Hobsons Bay Port Phillip Bay -37.87019 144.933807

For consistency with the AM database, unit conversions are conducted for some parameters using the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) conventions (; detailed in Table 2.29_1).

Table 2.29_1


EPA VIC units

AM units

Conversion formula

Dissolved Oxygen



EPA VIC value x 1000 /MW O2 31.998

Dissolved reactive Phosphorus as P



EPA VIC value / MW P 30.973762

Total Nitrogen



EPA VIC value / MW N 14.006720

Nitrate & nitrite as N



EPA VIC value / MW N 14.006720

Ammonia and ammonium as N



EPA VIC value / MW N 14.006720

Silica  µg/L µmol/L EPA VIC value / MW SiO2 60.0843

* Molecular Weight of Nitrogen = 14.006720, Molecular Weight of Phosphorous = 30.973762, Molecular Weight of O2 = 31.998, Molecular Weight of SiO2 = 60.0843