meth_2.21 In situ water measurements using a YSI EXO 3 multiparameter sonde Derwent Estuary Program Ambient Water Quality Program

Contributor(s): Derwent Estuary Program

Citation: DEP (2020). State of the Derwent estuary — 2020 update. An update and review of environmental data and activities, U. Taylor, S. Whitehead, I. Visby, A. Weller-Wong and B. Proemse, Derwent Estuary Program (Hobart, Australia)

AM Project ID: AM0016

Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity data is collected via a YSI EXO 3 multiparameter sonde. Water clarity is measured using a Secchi disc.

Detailed methodologies, including QA/QC procedures are documented in the State of the Derwent Update 2020 Appendices A-C (DEP 2020; All water column data, included variables not recorded in the AM database (e.g. Hazen True Colour, metals) was sourced from the DEP ( Data can be requested directly through the same process.

For consistency with the AM database, unit conversions are conducted for some parameters using the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) conventions (; detailed in Table 2.21_1).

Table 2.21_1


DEP AWQ units

AM units

Conversion formula




DEP AWQ value / 1000