meth_2.2 Integrated Marine Observing System National Reference Stations Biogeochemical Operations Manual

Contributor(s): IMOS

Citation: Davies, C. and Sommerville, E. (Eds.) (2017), National Reference Stations Biogeochemical Operations Manual Version 3.2.1. Integrated Marine Observing System.

DOI: 10.26198/5c4a56f2a8ae3 (

AM Project ID: AM_IMOS, AM0001

The analytical methods used for Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) National Reference Stations (NRS) water samples are detailed in the IMOS Biogeochemical Operations manual:

This manual is maintained by the IMOS NRS BGC working group. Previous versions can be found at the DOI link in the citation.

Sample metadata for inclusion in the Australian Microbiome database has been sourced from 3 data collections on the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN;

  1. IMOS – Combined biogeochemical (BGC) parameters. Samples are matched using the AM field “nrs_sample_code” and the Combined biogeochemical (BGC) parameters field “SampleID” to match biogeochemical parameters with samples that have DNA sequencing data available. “SampleID” consists of the NRS ID, date of sampling, depth of sampling and, for Darwin NRS only, time of sampling. The metadata record for the Combined biogeochemical (BGC) parameters dataset is here: 
  2. IMOS – Australian National Mooring Network (ANMN) – CTD Profiles. Samples are matched using the field “nrs_trip_code”  to match CTD parameters with samples that have DNA sequencing data available. “nrs_trip_code” consists of the NRS ID, date of sampling, and, for Darwin NRS only, time of sampling. Water samples for DNA sequencing are collected from nominal depths whereas CTD profiles are binned at 1 m intervals. CTD profile data included in the AM database are derived from the profile depth closest to the nominal depth of water sampling, this information is included in the “notes” field. The metadata record for the Australian National Mooring Network (ANMN) – CTD Profiles is here:
  3. IMOS – Zooplankton Abundance and Biomass (reference stations). Samples are matched using the field “nrs_trip_code”  to match zooplankton abundance and biomass data with samples that have DNA sequencing data available. “nrs_trip_code” consists of the NRS ID, date of sampling, and, for Darwin NRS only, time of sampling. The metadata record for the Zooplankton Abundance and Biomass (reference stations) dataset is here:

Data Collection Credit: “Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.”,”CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere”,”South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)”,”Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS)”,”Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)”,”Darwin Port”,”The University of New South Wales (UNSW)”,”Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), New South Wales Government”,”Sydney Water”,”Oceanographic Field Services Pty Ltd”,”University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)”,”SA Water”,”Environment Protection Authority (EPA), South Australian Government”,”Deakin University”,”Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DJTSI), Western Australian Government”.