Another opportunity to join our team, CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowship – position closed, thanks
Are you interested in forecasting and managing pest outbreaks?
We are currently looking for another CSIRO Early Research Career (CERC) postdoctoral fellow to join our growing Agroecology team here in Brisbane.
Real-time analytics of migratory insect pest activity are needed to help protect our food systems from major losses due to pest and disease outbreaks. This project will develop novel machine learning methods to analyse weather radar data for pest insect movement activity relevant to agriculture across the Asia-Pacific. This is one of ten postdoctoral fellowships currently available in Agriculture and Food, as part of our strategy to invest in frontier science with the CSIRO Agriculture & Food Winanga-y* Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme. For more information contact: Hazel Parry (CSIRO).
To see the full role description, visit the CSIRO jobs site here. Applications close on the 14 July 2022 (job ref. # 84745).
More information about the CERC program and information on other fellowships is available here.
* The word Winanga-y (pronounced win-na-gnay) is a cultural asset gifted by the Gomeroi Nation in Myall Vale to CSIRO’s Agriculture and Food Business Unit to name the new Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. Winanga-y means to understand, know, remember, and think.

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