Ag2050 Economics Symposium: Imagining the Future of Agricultural Work

January 24th, 2025

People picking vegetables in a field

Please join us for a special economics symposium, hosted by CSIRO’s Ag2050 initiative, about the future of agricultural labour in modern food systems. This free seminar will discuss current research around the actual and anticipated challenges for productivity, profitability, and job quality in our era of climate change, sociopolitical stress, and human migration.


The special session will be chaired by Katie Ricketts, Principal Research Scientist and Agri-Labour Futures work package lead for Ag2050.

International presenters include:

Dr Margaret Jodlowski, Ohio State University, “What underlies agricultural visa workers’ job satisfaction? Evidence from qualitative and survey data”.

Dr Jodlowski is an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on agricultural issues in both developed and developing country contexts, with a specific emphasis on farm labour, risk management, and farm household dynamics.

Dr Alexandra Hill, University of California, Berkeley, “On the Effects of Regulated Overtime Standards”.

Dr Hill is an Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research centres around the US agricultural workforce and seeks to demonstrate how a variety of factors impact both workers and employers, highlighting avenues for simultaneously improving worker well-being and increasing business profitability and sustainability.



Dates and times

Tuesday 18 Feb 2025, 10:00am to 11:45am

Attend in person at Discovery Theatre, CSIRO Black Mountain, Clunies Ross St, Black Mountain, Canberra ACT. Get Directions. RSVP by 13 Feb 2025 (for in person).

Or attend online and login details will be emailed to registrants.


Katie Ricketts

Who should attend?

Interested attendees include researchers and practitioners interested in in agriculture, economics, labour studies, globalisation and migration, technological innovation and automation, and sustainable farming policy and practice.

Register here