
DNV GL: Energy

DNV GL is one of the world’s leading companies providing classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services, in addition to certification services to customers across a wide range of industries, including in energy storage. We provide energy advisory, testing, inspection and certification services globally. DNV GL representatives are active in IEC global standardisation activities (IEC TC-120) as well as national standardisation in many jurisdictions (e.g. US, UK and Europe). DNV GL also runs the BEST Test and Commercialisation Centre in the USA, a leading battery test facility with extensive battery performance test experience.

DNV GL initiated this project as it identified there is presently limited information available to allow consumers to make an informed decision regarding performance of battery energy storage systems in relation to payback period, reliability and lifetime.

DNV-GL are leading the project consortium and responsible for the delivery of the draft standard.


CSIRO has over 40 years experience in the testing and development of batteries within the stationary power sector. This experience has lead to the development of world leading facilities and expertise that are specifically focused on the challenges of operating battery systems within Australia.

CSIRO lead the development and testing of evidence based test methodologies for inclusion in the draft standard.

Smart Energy Council

The Smart Energy Council (SEC) is a national member based not-for-profit organisation and is governed by a volunteer board. They are funded by membership, industry events and training activities. The SEC represents companies including technology manufacturers, equipment providers, project developers, consultants, utilities and other energy industry leaders.

The Smart Energy Council is responsible for engaging with the industry throughout the project.

Deakin University

Deakin University has a strong research focus in renewable energy and battery energy storage systems. The university has made significant investment to develop infrastructure and lab facilities for power and energy system research including renewables and energy storage systems.

Deakin will develop and validate the recommended battery capacity estimation methodology for the project.